Page 11 - BiTS_06_JUNE_2024
P. 11


    Greta Valenti and Robin Davey ARE Beaux Gris Gris. Presenting music
    with their band The Apocalypse they have just completed a tour which

    included venues in both England and Scotland and they are coming
    back later in the year.

    There are few bands that generate the high energy stage shows that

    they  do,  but  Ian  McKenzie  managed  to  catch  them  (early  in  their

    morning in California) as they relaxed at the start of another busy day.

    GV:  Hi.

    BiTS:  Hello, Greta. Nice to speak to you. Are you ready to go?

    GV:  Yeah.

    RD:  Greta said to me, is that the interview? And I'm like, oh yeah,
    that's the interview. She said, oh, okay. Yeah [laughing]. So she was
    aware of it. I just wasn't but it's cool. We're good to go. Actually,
    it's a nice day. We're sitting in the sun in California.

    GV:  I'm soaking in the last moments of sun before we come
    to England [laughing].

    BiTS:  [Laughing] Yes, of course. Okay,
    if  you're  ready,  then  we'll  make  a
    start.  I  want  to  ask  you,  Greta,  you
    come from Louisiana. I gather it's a
    very     long-standing        family     in

    GV: Yeah. So, I mean, I would say I'm
    a European mutt because I have, like,
    just  so  many  different  types  of
    heritage. Over the last few years I've
    been doing a lot of ancestry research
    and I've had different family members
    do  it  over  the  years  and  certain
    branches get explored. I know a lot
    about the Swiss-German side of my
    family, and we still have connections
    with  them  and  all  that  stuff.  So  I
    started  getting  into  the  Louisiana
    French, Cajun and Creole side, which
    is on two different sides of my family, and I researched it all the way back to the Louisiana
    Purchase days, like pretty much the formation of New Orleans. My great, great, great, great, great,

    great grandfather was one of the literal designers of the city of New Orleans. He designed Ursulines
    Convent, which is still there to this day and there's sketches of his. So it's just really cool to be
    that connected to the history of Louisiana.
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