Page 13 - BiTS_06_JUNE_2024
P. 13

or seven at a festival. Just being around music growing up it just kind of spread its way into my
      mind. Then when my dad put these parties on, I’d see these bands like I'd stand right up close
      and see these bands playing these songs. They were always kind of playing blues songs, so
      they’d do Stevie Ray Vaughan covers or Dr Feelgood covers.

      So being a kid, I was like, this music's really cool. I don't hear this music elsewhere like, what
      is it? So my dad had a pretty good kind of collection of blues in his record collection and so I
      delved into that. Then, I think, when I was about 13, my dad for our birthday, bought us our
                                                                            first guitar, my brother and I. So we
                                                                            shared this guitar. It was like £20
                                                                            or  £30  from  a  second-hand  shop,
                                                                            terrible guitar, but started learning
                                                                            on  that.  Then  we  would  always
                                                                            check  the  local  listings  for
                                                                            equipment and then I found a bass
                                                                            for £5 [laughs].

                                                                            My  brother  kind  of  took  over  on

                                                                            guitar and I bought this bass for £5
                                                                            and  yeah,  started  playing  bass.
                                                                            That's when The Hoax was kind of
                                                                            born.  Jon  Amor  lived  down  the
                                                                            road.  I  used  to  play  cricket  and
         The Hoax: drummer Mark Barrett, Jesse Davey (guitar),              football with Jon up at the playing
       Hugh Coltman (vocals) Jon Amor (guitar) and Robin Davey              field. Every day I'd call him up and
                                                                            go, hey, Jon, do you want to go play
                                                                            cricket?  So  when  I  got  to  playing
      guitar, I was like Jon, you play guitar don’t you? Do you want to join our band and for the longest
      time he kept saying no. He was like, I don't want to be in your band. I don't want to be in your
      band. [Chuckling] And then eventually, I somehow managed to persuade him. I think he called
      me one day; he goes, you know what? I think I'd be interested in playing in your band. So that's
      really when The Hoax was formed.

      GV:  I think he would say no again now though.

      RD:  He probably would say no again, now, yeah [laughing]. Then Hugh Coltman, like we knew
      Hugh as well before we were in a band. So Hugh and Jon, we were friends in a village before we
      played. We always knew Hugh could sing, but he was kind of a bit of a wild boy, and he'd gone
      off to college and he got arrested for stealing a motorbike or something.

      GV:  You guys were all pretty like straight edge, like no one drank.

      RD:  Yeah, we were in this little village. We weren't real tearaways. Hugh was definitely the
      exception, always kind of getting into trouble, breaking a bone or, you know, doing something.

      BiTS:  Tell me how you and Greta got together. Are you a couple, first of all?

      RD:  We are. We're married. We've been married err…..

      GV:  How many years, Robin?

      RD:  Err, 11 years now.

      BiTS:  Wow, I didn't realise that.
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