Page 15 - BiTS_06_JUNE_2024
P. 15

BiTS:  Well, the only thing that I've heard from it is the video, ‘Oh Yeah’, which is absolutely

    fabulous and unbelievable energy. Where do you get the energy from, both of you?

    GV:  [Laughs] I drag it out of Robin, and I've just always had a lot of energy. It's probably like
    ADHD, but obviously Robin’s guitar playing, you know, the energy. All of our tracks from our
                                              new album, I'll have to get you a copy of the album, but all
                                              the tracks, they range from rock to blues to more singer-
                                              songwriter. More like Bruce Springsteen maybe style, some
                                              of that stuff and soul. We recorded them all together in a
                                              room,  so  even  though  the  genres  are  a  little  bit  kind  of
                                              changing  over  the  duration  of  the  album,  it  all  sounds
                                              cohesive and it's all the energy of one band in a room together.

                                              BiTS:  Question for Robin. Was it hot in the panda suit?

                                              RD:  Well, the panda suit is actually an inflatable panda suit.

                                              GV:  There's fans in it.

                                              RD:  There's a fan in it that blows it up.

    BiTS:  Oh, gosh [laughs].

    RD:  So it actually has its own internal cooling system. Yes, actually it's quite pleasant to wear. I
    think I might wear it on tour sometime.

                                                                                     Beaux Gris Gris, ‘Oh Yeah’

    BiTS:  Ah, well, there you go. Now tell me something about the tour that's coming up, which is,
    as most of your tours are, mammoth. Starting when? You're ending up in Glasgow towards the
    end of the tour as well.

    RD:  Yeah, we're visiting England, Scotland and Wales. We love Scotland. We played there once
    before in Edinburgh, and it was an awesome show and an awesome experience.
    GV:  We're going back there.
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