Page 10 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2025_Neat
P. 10

Rachelle Plas is a French citizen and a  world class harmonica player

     with an endorsement from the Hohner harmonica company.

     She plays blues rock, straight blues, celtic music and pop songs. She
     is partnered by Philippe Hervouët an outstanding guitar player and
     musician. Rachelle and Phillippe are musical and life partners. They
     have a new album on the stocks.

     Ian McKenzie spoke to them on the telephone to learn more.

                                                                  RP:  Hey.

                                                                  BiTS:  Rachelle?

                                                                  RP:  Yeah. How are you doing?  I'm

                                                                  very happy to hear you.

                                                                  BiTS:    I  want  to  talk  to  you  about
                                                                  what you've been doing and what I

                                                                  guess is the new band with Philippe.

                                                                  RP:    Yeah.  Yeah,  we  were  on  the
                                                                  phone with our technical team after

                                                                  our concert in Paris last Sunday and
                                                                  we were waiting for your call.

                                                                  PH:  Hello Ian.

                                                                  BiTS:    You  two  have  been  playing
                                                                  together for a long time. How did you

                                                                  find each other? In what way did you
                                                                  first meet?

                                                                  RP:  We first met many, many years

                                                                  ago  because  of  an  American  singer
                                                                  named Freddie Meyer, and he was an
                                                                  amazing person. He asked us to play

    with him, and I was a little girl, and I played harmonica for, I think, 10 or 12 years.

    Philippe’s life was as a professional musician, and  he also came to play with Freddie.
    We met during his gigs, and years after we came together for different types of

    concerts. Many, many years after, we came together much more closely for a project
    we managed together, with Celtic music and also blues music, country music, pop
    and French songs.
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