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overdrive and then that was stuck into a 50-watt PA amplifier which I had. It was a
bit Heath Robinson.
BiTS: [Laughing] I'm laughing because times change, don’t they?
NS: I had to buy it all myself because the only thing that was bought for me was the
guitar that my dad bought me when I was eight years old.
BiTS: Oh, right, okay.
NS: It's got lots of holes in it now.
BiTS: You've still got it, have you?
NS: Yeah, of course I have. Yeah, never, never get rid of a guitar. Actually, that's not
quite true, because one of mine I broke into pieces because I was trying to modify it
[chuckles] and I failed.
BiTS: Oh, I see.
Neil Sadler Band - I Ain’t Gonna Cross No River @
Nene Valley Rock Festival 2024
NS: It was a Columbus SG, and I wanted to take it to bits to see how it worked for a
start, and then it never quite got put back together properly, so.
BiTS: We’ll come back to the music in a minute, but are you a guitar collector?
NS: Yeah, I guess I am really. I haven't got that many. I've got 20 and they're all sorts.
I've got a couple of Les Pauls. I've got a Les Paul forgery. I've got a couple of Strats.
I've got a 335. You know, those kind of things. Am I collecting them? No, I'm not. I'm
just using them because I like the sound of a particular thing. Being left-handed, you
don't get a massive choice of guitars, so when a lefty comes along and it's playable,
or even remotely good, I'll try and buy it. I've got a Telecaster as well, which was my
first, what I call my first real electric guitar.
BiTS: Right.