Page 27 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2025_Neat
P. 27

Clark Five, which is almost a 12-bar because it had the three chords in it, E A and B.
    That was probably the first thing I learned. My proudest moment though, was when
    I learned to play ‘Maggie May’.

    BiTS:  Really? Okay.

    NS:  Yeah, in the early 70s. That was quite a significant moment really, because it
    meant I'd learned a whole song rather than just what appeared to be just repetitions

    of chords.

    BiTS:  You would have still been at school in those days, of course. Did you get
    together with a band or anything like that?

    NS:  Yes, of course. That was kind of my first experience of a band because I had a
    friend, a guy called Colin, who I think, shared my like of the guitar, but he currently
    didn't play. So I said it's easy, get a guitar and I'll teach it. And we used to go round

    his house on a Saturday morning, and me, being an absolute novice, taught an even
    more novice how to play the guitar. Say hi to Karen. Karen’s here with me.

    KJ:  Hello. Hi Ian.

    BiTS:  Hello there. Nice to speak to you.

    KJ:  Yes, thank you. You too, yeah.

    NS:  So I used to go around to Colin’s house on a Saturday afternoon and we'd start

    at about midday and by about 7 o’clock his mum would kick me out because I'd been
    there too long. But he had a tape recorder and that was almost like a seminal moment

    for me. One of the few seminal moments that shaped a career, if you like. We used to
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