Page 55 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2025_Neat
P. 55

Larkin Poe—Bloom—Tricki-Woo Records  ASIN
                                                : B0DHLFN3QN

                                                This new album from sisters Megan and Rebecca
                                                Lovell  (Larkin  Poe)  was  co-produced  with
                                                Rebecca’s  husband  Tyler  Bryant,  who  also  plays

                                                guitars (Tyler and Rebecca recently did an excellent
                                                job collaborating with Ruthie Foster on her album
                                                ‘Mileage’.)  The sisters are also joined by their road

                                                rhythm  section  Tarka  Layman  (bass)  and  Caleb
                                                Crosby (drums), as well as Michael Webb (organ)
                                                and  Elenor  Denig  (strings),  with  Rebecca  and
                                                Megan handling vocals, guitars and lap steel.  We

    kick off with ‘Mockingbird’ a melodic anthemic song and ‘Easy Love Part 1’ carries
    on in the same vein with Megan’s prominent lap steel, while ‘Little Bit’ is a lovely
    Beatle-ish ballad (the girls have recently collaborated with Ringo Star!).  On Larkin

    Poe’s last album ‘Blood Harmony’ I was really impressed by Rebecca’s lead vocals
    and that powerful singing continues here – just listen to ‘Bluephoria’ which also
    features almost heavy metal riffing and a great lap steel solo.

    We then get ‘Easy Love Part 2’ a restful soul ballad with nice organ but the following
    ‘Nowhere Fast’ is a noisy rocker and ‘If God Is a Woman’ has Rebecca howling the
    vocals over an updated hill country blues backing.  Both ‘Fool Outta Me’ and ‘You Are
    the River’ are pleasant country-ish songs with nice harmonies and the final ‘Bloom

    Again’ is a melodic ballad with strings that really showcases those wonderful sibling
    harmonies.  This album features all original songs so don’t expect the blues covers
    or direct blues influences of their earlier albums and looking at other reviews most

    reviewers pick ‘Bluephoria’ and ‘If God Is a Woman’ as the standout tracks but, while
    I thought they were good, I preferred the more subtle tracks like ‘Little Bit’ and
    ‘Mockingbird’.  Again, the thing that I take away from this record is Rebecca Lovell
    emerging  as  one  the  great  voices,  her  voice  is  both  pretty  and  powerful  and  in

    combination with Megan they produce beautiful harmonies.

    Graham Harrison

                                                 Tommy Castro and the Pain Killers—Closer to

                                                 the Bone—Alligator Records ASIN:B0DNJDZ8TL

                                                 Tommy  Castro  cites  Paul  Butterfield  guitarists

                                                 Elvin  Bishop  and  Mike  Bloomfield  as  two  of  his
                                                 biggest influences and on this new album, recorded
                                                 at  Kid  Andersen’s  Greaseland  Studio,  Kid

                                                 encouraged Tommy “to embrace his deeper blues
                                                 side” – which he certainly does.  We start with a
                                                 Castro original ‘Can’t Catch a Break’ a funky blues
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