Page 33 - Handbook_for_Teachers
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11.1.4 The process of teaching in the classes.
11.1.5 Record keeping.
11.1.6 Books of Accounts to ensure whether school is maintaining its accounts
separately from the society/trust/company running the school.
11.1.7 Provisions related to safety and security of children.
11.1.8 Implementation of the policies of inclusion in relation to persons with
11.1.9 Interaction with the members of the School Management Committee.
11.1.10 Any other areas specifically informed by the board.
You must periodically and effectively plan your lesson and keep a record
in Teachers’ Diary for the teaching process implemented and pedagogical CHAPTER 1 : BASIC INFORMATION
activities conducted by you for your students.
1.9 Penal Provisions in Affiliation Bye-Laws:
Penal provisions are enabled if there is any violation of the Affiliation Byelaws, including
violation of examination bye-laws. Since teachers are associated with the running of a
classroom in a school, and with the conduct of exams, invigilation, evaluation, etc, they
must familiarize themselves with these provisions.
Penal Provisions
Clause Provision of the Clause
12.1 If a School is found violating the provisions of the Affiliation Bye Laws/
Examinations Bye Laws of the Board or does not abide by the directions of the
Board, the Board shall have powers to impose the following penalties:
12.1.1 Written warning
12.1.2 Imposing fine up to Rs. 5,00,000/-
Basic Information 31