Page 34 - Handbook_for_Teachers
P. 34

12.1.3    Downgrading school from Senior Secondary Level to Secondary Level.

                           12.1.4    Restricting the number of sections in the school.

                           12.1.5    Debarring the school from sponsoring students in Board’s examinations up to
                                     a period of two years.

                           12.1.6    Suspension of Affiliation for a definite period.
                    CHAPTER 1 : BASIC INFORMATION

                           12.1.7    Debarring the school from applying for affiliation or restoration of affiliation
                                     up to a period of five years.

                           12.1.8    Withdrawal of Affiliation in a particular subject(s) or stream(s).

                           12.1.9    Withdrawal of Affiliation.

                           12.1.10   Any other penalty deemed appropriate by the Board.

                           12.2      The Board may impose all or any of the penalties mentioned in clauses 12.1.1
                                     to 12.1.9 on any school, in the following cases:

                           12.2.1    For gross malpractices in examination, academic, administrative and financial

                           12.2.2    Established violation, non-compliance of Court, Central Government, State/
                                     UT Government or Board’s directions/ instructions.

                           12.2.3    Established violations of the conditions laid down in the affiliation bye-laws.

                           12.2.4    A shortcoming in the essential requirements for affiliation laid down in the
                                     affiliation bye-laws detected at any stage.

                           12.2.5    On withdrawal of Recognition by the State Government.

                           12.2.6    On withdrawal of No Objection Certificate issued by the State Government.

                           12.2.7    On  express  recommendation/order/request  from  the  Central,  State/UT
                                     Government to disaffiliate, shut down the school permanently or impose any
                                     other penalty.

                           12.2.8    On a reference/order/request received from the Central, State/UT Government.

                           12.2.9    For  not  sending  teachers/principal  for  the  teacher  trainings  as  per  the
                                     requirements of these bye-laws.

                           12.2.10   For not nominating and relieving teachers/principal/staff for the evaluation
                                     of answer scripts of the Board’s examinations and other ancillary activities as
                                     per requirements of the Board.
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