Page 35 - Handbook_for_Teachers
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12.2.11 Any misconduct, negligent act/omission and non-compliance of the
examination bye-laws (including the disobedience of the directions of the
board in connection with the conduct of examinations) which may jeopardize
the public examinations, evaluation of answer books, the result processing
thereof and other ancillary activities.
12.2.12 Any violation, by employee(s) of the school or person(s) associated with
the school management, who are under the control of the school or the
Trust/Society/Company running the school, of any instructions, express
or implied, issued by the Board in connection with the conduct of public
examinations, evaluation of answer books, the result processing thereof and
other ancillary activities which has or could have jeopardized the public
examinations, evaluation of answer books and the result processing thereof.
12.2.13 Any violation in connection with the duties and responsibilities by the School
or the Head of the School or Trust/Society/Company which has established or
running the school as given in these bye-laws or directions issued from time
to time.
12.2.14 Any violation of the provision contained in clause 7.5 regarding the refund of CHAPTER 1 : BASIC INFORMATION
fees to the students.
12.2.15 Poor academic performance of the school for three consecutive years in not
being able to keep at least 50 per cent of passes of the general pass percentage.
12.2.16 Any other matter which the Board considers sufficiently serious for imposition
of penalty or disaffiliation.
14.1 Every school is bound to follow the Affiliation Bye Laws of the Board mutatis
If a School is found violating the provisions of the Affiliation Bye Laws/
Examinations Bye Laws of the Board or does not abide by the directions of the
Board, the Board shall have powers to impose penalties.
Basic Information 33