Page 26 - TCDB combined Book
P. 26
2 The Complete Design-Builder
Territory Analysis:
Prior to commencing or implementing a marketing program it is imperative that you
do an analysis of your trading territory. The type of market and potential will help to
decide the best method and to what extent a marketing program is needed.
Identifying hot markets and growth industries are key factors in finding
good Design-Build prospects.
The most important factors are available land, zoned for the intended use, and existing
buildings with expansion possibilities. A good list of potential business can be obtained from the
following sources and also a source for advertising and direct mail programs.
Commercial/Industrial Parks and Land:
Contact the Industrial Commissioners or Owners and obtain the subdivision plan of
the Parks. Survey and list the existing and available properties, noting the most active
businesses. Obtain the official zoning plan for your area, seeking out and listing land and
buildings for sale or lease that are of interest.
Commercial/Industrial Base:
Most trading territories have a predominant number of large commercial or industrial
businesses that create a need for smaller suppliers and manufacturers. Identifying this
base with the spin-off potential can lead you more directly to the types of industries
and commerce that may require the services of a Design-Builder. Monitor the activities of major
lessees in single or multi-tenant facilities that may be contemplating their own building.
Real Estate Offices:
Maintaining an ongoing friendly relationship with Realtors can produce some quality
leads. Compare and exchange information on your knowledge of the territory with
these individuals regularly, remembering that that to receive good information, you
must be prepared to give in return.