Page 27 - TCDB combined Book
P. 27

Chapter  1     MARKETING            3

                                                                                “Know Thy Territory”

                                            TERRITORY ANALYSIS

             DATE         NAME          LOCATION      *     TYPE          SIZE            COMMENTS

             2/1/95   ABC MFCT         City/ Ind  Park  be   existing   20 000 s f    very active premises
                                                            conv      plant  & office   expansion possible

             3/8/95  ACME  Ind         Val l ey/      v               own   1arge  lot    nd  Zone  potent a
                                       Ind,  Park                                     bu  d ng p oject

             4/5/95  Smith &Co         City/Comm      be    existing   5,000 sf       l arge   l ot for
                                                            conv       eta            future expansion

             5/7/95   Jones  Realty    City/Ind       bfs   existing   18,000 sf      office/plant for sale
                                                                                      Monitor  with  realtor

             6/6/95  ACE Auto          City           nb    new       24,000 sf       proposed dealership
                                                                                      make contact

             6/9/95  Brown Realty      Valley          fs             5 acr es        private   I nd park
                                                                                      Monitor  sale

             7/7/95   Apex Mfct        City           be    existing                  awarded large mfct
                                                            pre-eng                   contract  needs exp

             9/7/95   XYZ              Valley o  City   nb                            new  ndustryl ocating
                                                                                       in our  ar ea

             3/8/95   CITY             Rec. Park      nb                              new recreation
                                                                                      compl ex planned

             9/8/95  Machine   Shop    City           nb              30,000 sf       planning to move from
                                                                                      rented  facility
               LEGEND         be - building expansion   nb - new building  bfs - building for sale
                       lfs - land for sale   vl - vacant land
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