Page 22 - RMAC 75th Anniversary Souvenir Booklet
P. 22
We salute Soror Jessie Jones with 74 Years of Membership in Delta Sigma Theta So-
rority. Soror Jones' journey began at Shaw University on December 15, 1948, in Ra-
leigh, NC. After matriculating at Shaw University, she went on to pursue a career as a
Science teacher In Halifax and Wilson counties. As a member of the Rocky Mount
Alumnae Chapter, she has held every position in the chapter except Financial Secre-
tary and Treasurer. She has held the following positions on the regional level: Region-
al Secretary, Regional Parliamentarian, Assistant Parliamentarian, and Chair of the
Regional Housing and Properties Committee.
Her previous involvement on the convention level includes National Site Committee,
National Credentials Committee. National Membership Services Committee, and Par-
liamentarian for the 53rd National Convention. Soror Jones is a Golden Life Member.