Page 24 - RMAC 75th Anniversary Souvenir Booklet
P. 24

We salute Soror Locus with 70 Years of membership in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
           Soror Locus’ journey began in the Delta Xi Chapter on the campus of Fayetteville

           State University, Fayetteville, NC  The chapter was  chartered in 1952 and Soror Lo-
           cus was the first president.  After matriculating at Fayetteville State University, she

           was employed as a teacher in the Rocky Mount City Schools. She is a  Diamond Life
           Member who has held the following offices: President, Vice-President, Correspond-

           ing Secretary, Financial Secretary, Sergeant-at-Arms, Chaplain, Custodian, and His-

           torian. She also has served on various committees.

           Soror Locus’ most memorable moment was being recognized at the 50th Anniver-

           sary celebration of Delta Xi at Fayetteville State. Delta Xi collegiates planned a spe-
           cial banquet to show sisterly spirit and love to the five surviving charter members.
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