Page 10 - PPO Diaries
P. 10

PPO Diaries

          PowerPoint, Excel and Word. These are the fundamental and  crucial instruments in any project. A good
          knowledge of Excel VBA, Tableau, R/Python  Programming is expected from an intern and might give an
          upper edge to your project. But I  must also inform the interns that such tools will only be applicable only
          if they are prevalent in  the company otherwise it might not be relevant for your project, hence that must
          be kept in mind. Do not try to force anything into the project just to make it appeal– rather make it
          relevant and useful.

       ❖ What pre-internship preparation do you suggest for juniors?

          An intern should have a sound knowledge of SCM and Operations, books like Chopra Meindl and Krajewski
          is sufficient for it. Interns must adept oneself with advanced Excel, good presentation skills in PowerPoint
          and Excel VBA. A preliminary idea of R/Python, Tableau would be sufficient to start the internship, then
          based upon the requirement of the project and the company the intern can delve into the deeper
          workings of each tool.

       ❖ Anything else you would like to add

       There are 3 things I’ve found is most vital in any internship

          1.  The company hiring you expects a candidate who can merge well with the culture and values of the
              company. So, whatever project you are involved in, always respect the values of the company and
              abide by them. Remember that you are being scrutinised and watched throughout your internship at
              the company, hence the company is keeping tab of all your activities and behaviour and assessing you
              accordingly. More important than the project itself, the company wants to be assured how well you fit
              into the company in-terms of values you exude, culture your nurture and people you interact with. A
              company would happily accept an employee who fits perfectly to their values and behaves nicely with
              its employees.
          2.  Whatever be the content of your project, remember one thing “Jo dikhta hai.. woh bikta hai”. Hence,
              presentation is key to your project. Many people won’t have a clear understanding of your project and
              its implications/effect on the company operations. It is your duty to make them realise that you’re an
              asset and your work is a piece of art. Make them realise they have chosen the right guy. Highlight the
              benefits of your project to the authorities and what it means to the company. Your PowerPoint
              presentation skills will come handy here. Make use of less words and more symbols/pictures to
              represent your work so its understandable by anyone without much effort.
          3.  It’s not the end of the world if it’s not a PPO. Work hard but enjoy harder in your internship. The
              company always takes great care of its interns so enjoy the hospitality. Make good acquaintances in
              the company and interact with the employees there. Show them your nature and not just your work.
              Leave behind good vibes when your internship is done so that all remembers you there and expects

              your return back as an employee like them.   ALL THE BEST

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