Page 17 - PPO Diaries
P. 17
PPO Diaries
As my project was on developing a dashboard, so the most important and difficult task was to understand and
finalise the KPIs that I need to display on the dashboard. Along with it I was also learning the software on
which the dashboard needs to be built. I chose Power BI.
Then rest of the day was to collect data needed for the project and the required follow ups.
❖ What are the challenges faced during Internship?
The challenges that I faced during internship were
1) Shortage of Time : I had to cover a lot of KPIs in a short duration of 8 weeks in which the first week
is reserved for orientation and the last week is reserved for presentations. So effectively I had 6
2) Keeping the balance between learning and meeting deadlines. There is a lot we learn while
working on a live project, but we need to have some tangible output at the end.
3) The planners used to be very busy and for my project I need to interact with them a lot, so it was
highly challenging to make my slot in their schedule. Getting data required for project is also a little
❖ What did you do right and what did you do wrong?
Understand the problems and need of the project
Connecting the problem with business aspect and questioning everything
Time Management: Followed the approach of working from whole to part. Divided the entire project in
stages and regularly meeting with my guide
Most importantly making PPT right because at the end we are judged on the base of what we are
Not regularly updating the final ppt because at the end I really have to spend a few all-nighters to work on
my ppt
❖ what are the things to keep in mind in the internship?
I believe understanding the need of the project by keeping in mind the business aspect gives a clear clarity
of what need to be done.
Regular interaction with guides keep your mind clear about the project.
Networking is essential and make friends with different B-school’s interns, Alumni etc.
Do remember that you will not be judged on the final result rather on your approach.
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