Page 50 - PPO Diaries
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       PPO Diaries

       ❖ What did you do right and what did you do wrong?

       Things I could do right
       Building rapport and trust with my team members

       Interaction with vendors and gaining their confidence

       ❖ Things which went wrong/could have been better

       The expectation of team in terms of scope of project could have been more clear

       Should have visited all the manufacturing sites, whereas I could only visit Jamnagar

       ❖ What are the things to keep in mind in the internship?

       Regular connect with your mentor or team senior, so that you don’t sway away from their expectations from
       this project

       Always connect to other people, when opportunity arises, they maybe of different teams, but it will help in the
       long run
       Focus on solution rather than the problem

       Be a go-getter, don’t expect things to fall in your hand

       ❖ What pre-internship preparation do you suggest for juniors?

       Read the basics about the company, what products they make, who are their competitors, try to contact any
       senior who had worked in that company or interned there, to know more about the probable projects that you
       might be allotted.

       Also make sure you know excel(compulsory), R/Tableau (optional based on your work profile)

       ❖ Anything else you would like to add

       Networking and learning opportunities are enormous during internship. Leverage that to your advantage. Don’t
       concentrate on things that are not in your control for PPO (demand in team, economic conditions etc.), focus
       on what is in your control that is your efforts and your skillset.
       All the best for your internship. May the force be with you.

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