Page 46 - PPO Diaries
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       PPO Diaries

                                                        ❖ A brief overview of the project

                                                        I was assigned a substantial task of implementing Oracle cloud
                                                        ERP for client which follows similar business model as of Dell.
                                                        The major challenge was the stringent timeline of 4 weeks.
                                                        Usually, people develop expertise in one ERP module over a
                                                        period  of  3  to  4  years,  but  here  we  had  to  implement  8
                                                        modules in 4 weeks along with the proper documentation. In
                                                        simple terms I had to design the entire supply chain as well as
                                                        the  complete  financial  structure  for  the  company.  Delving
                                                        deeper,  I  had  to  deal  with  balance  sheets,  fixed  assets,
                                                        accounts  receivables,  accounts  payables,  procurement,
                                                        vendor   selection,   logistic,   warehouse   management,
                   HARSHIT KHARE
                                                        inventory, manufacturing modules etc. The pressure did not
                                                        end  here  as  alongside,  I  was  also  involved  in  2  mini  and  1
                   DELOITTE USI                         major  project.  Mini  project  involved  helping  senior

         __________________________________________     consultants with their work. Briefing the major project, if you
                                                        perform well every year you get a chance to work with senior
           GENERAL INFORMATION                          managers and director. Among the entire student pool, only

                                                        the  deserving  ones  get  this  opportunity  and  I  am  really
                  Batch: PGDIM 25
                                                        thankful to God that I was the one. I worked with them in

                  BTech: UIT RGPV                       developing new business framework for Deloitte to resolve
                                                        issues for various clients like Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Prada etc
               Stream: Electronics &                    by helping them with a digital solution to deal with piracy. As
                                                        life is full of surprises, so does the internship here in Deloitte.
                                                        I was surprised when I was called for a sudden mock interview
                     Work Ex: TCS                       held in senior manager’s cabin (which was never held till now
                                                        for anyone), the other day senior manager took me in a
      conference room full of company employees(FTE) and was given a task which I had to complete within next 5

      minutes, both the parties (FTE and me) were shocked by this surprise. So the one thing I got to learn here is

      always be prepared and presentable for the new challenges thrown at you.

      ❖ How is a normal day at the Internship?

      In the initial one month of training you must reach office before the scheduled session which was at 9 AM. You

      start your day with theoretical session followed by 1-hour slot for lunch. Your day ends when you are done with
      practical sessions and daily assessments. Next mo  nth, you are the boss of your own schedule as you have a
      project to deliver within the timeline shared by management. This is the most difficult phase as you might end

      up spending entire night in office, working of course. The key to success is that you need not be pressurized

      instead plan your deliverables in a timely manner by being thoughtful and calm ,as it’s one of the way to test a

      intern’s performance under pressure. Don't worry you also get a chance to reduce your stress level through
      various activities conducted by the HR. You have music room, painting room, play area, breakout areas, cafes,
      library etc but always remember someone is having an eye on you. So always hold your nerves and smile.

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