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       PPO Diaries

                                                        ❖ A brief overview of the project

                                                        For  flipkart,  majority  of  deliveries  are  done  by  in-house
                                                        delivery boys, but during festive sales delivery load will be as
                                                        high as 3 times a normal day load. To cater such spikes in
                                                        demand,  flipkart  is  working  on  some  new  low  cost,  high
                                                        flexible  alternate  delivery  models.  One  such  model  is
                                                        partnering with kiranas. My project is to compare flipkart’s
                                                        kirana  model  with  competitors,  derive  parameters  of
                                                        comparison, identify capabilities & limitations of the process
                                                        from  field  visits  and  based  on  that  study  design  a  robust
                                                        kirana model.

                                                        ❖ How is a normal day at the Internship?
                                                        If there is no planned field visit for the day, then typically my
              GUNDA VENKATESH
                                                        day  starts  around  10  a.m.  For  most  part,  I’d  be  meeting
                      FLIPKART                          people who are direct/indirect stake holders for my project
         __________________________________________     to  discuss  my  ideas  &  get  their  inputs.  By  evening,  I’d
                                                        consolidate  my  work  &  present  it  to  my  buddy  (team
           GENERAL INFORMATION                          member assigned by manage to help me out) & manager,
                                                        there upon we’d critically examine each idea to see if its fits
                  Batch: PGDIM 25                       with the new model I’m developing. On handful of days when
                                                        I had to go for field visit, my day starts at 5 a.m. I’d be visiting
                BTech: VIT University                   a  delivery  hub  &  interacting  with  hub  in-charges,  truck

                                                        drivers, sorters/helpers & delivery boys there. Then I’d go to
               Stream: Electronics &
                                                        kiranas,  interact  with  owners  and  workers  to  find  out
                   Communication                        difficulties  they  face  while  using  app  or  going  out  for
                                                        deliveries. Post lunch, I’d be back in office, working on report
                 Work Ex: Cognizant                     which I’d submit by evening. There upon I’d have meeting
                                                        with  my  manager,  buddy  &  other  stakeholders  on  new
                                                        findings and their impact on the model

      ❖ What are the challenges faced during Internship?

      Significant challenge I faced during internship is gathering data for the project, be it from competitor companies
         or within the organization. The data I required for this project is mostly confidential and me being an intern, I

      have to meet each stakeholder multiple times to convince them to share data.

      ❖ What did you do right and what did you do wrong?

      One thing I feel I’ve done right is, I went to maximum possible field visits in my stint. It helped me understand

      practical problems faced on-ground & bring new ideas to the table. One thing I feel I could’ve done better is,

      project planning. Though all my objectives for the project are fulfilled, I felt if I could’ve planned better, I would’ve

       ❖ what are the things to keep in mind in the internship?
      been able to run a pilot for new model.

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