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       PPO Diaries

                                                        ❖ A brief overview of the project
                                                        My  project  was  on  Vendor  Managed  Inventory.  RIL  was
                                                        looking forward to managing the inventory of its customer
                                                        for strategic advantage and smooth demand.

                                                        ❖ How is a normal day at the Internship?
                                                        Every other day I used to meet my Mentor (thanks to open
                                                        office  culture).  We  used  to  discuss  further  steps  for  the
                                                        project and alternative solutions a any problem. Then I used
                                                        to meet respective stakeholder to understand the business
                                                        problem  in  quite  detail.  Every  Friday,  I  had  to  show  the
                                                        progress of the project to Project Head.

                   FALESH MEHTA
                                                        ❖ What are the challenges faced during
                            RIL                             Internship?

         __________________________________________     Getting  Data  in  short  time  (within  a  week)  was  most
                                                        challenging.  My  project  had  multiple  stakeholders  and  we
           GENERAL INFORMATION                          had to visit a petrochemical plant in Gujarat, it was again a

                                                        challenge to convince various parties to priorities this project.
                   Batch: PGDIE 48

                                                        ❖ What did you do right and what did you do
                BTech: VIT University
                 Stream: Mechanical                     What I did right: I managed to get insights of the business
                                                        quite  early  from  various  individuals.  I  used  to  discuss  my
        Work Ex: Vedanta aluminium Ltd                  project  with  everyone  I  met  to  get  their  views  and
      What I did wrong: Didn’t plan well for plant visit and dat  a collection quite well.

      ❖ What are the things to keep in mind in the internship?

      Always keep your stakeholders happy by giving them satisfactory results. Always be in good terms with your
      Mentor, don’t be shy to ask silly questions, also never ask same question twice. Try to remember names of every

      individual you meet, you may write down on a notepad, at the end HR may ask questions like, name few people

      with their designation whom you met during internship.

      ❖ What pre-internship preparation do you suggest for juniors?

      Be Excel-ready, learn to create visually appealing ppts, ask seniors who interned in same company if any other
      software skill required.

      ❖ Anything else you would like to add

      For two months, always stay well groomed. Its just not your work that is being judged over there but rather your
      entire personality. Be confident in meetings and accept your mistakes if you happen to commit any.

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