Page 31 - PPO Diaries
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       PPO Diaries

       ❖ What did you do right and what did you do wrong?

       Since I was given 3 projects. I kept 1 on the side-lines and only worked on 2 of them parallelly. The main reason
       behind this was the POC for the 3  project was difficult to get time with for discussions. So I only worked on 2
       projects for 2 weeks. This I didn’t mention to my manager/ guide thinking that anyway I’m making progress on
       other 2 projects; this is where I did wrong. Once this was brought to his attention; he helped me get back on

       My manager/guide went on a planned 2 week leave in may just before the final ppts were due. I made sure to
       be in touch with him and kept him on the loop with regards to progress of the work and iterations of the final
       ppt. this helped both us to be comfortable for the final ppt, when he came back from his leave.

       ❖ What are the things to keep in mind in the internship?

       Be mindful of your surroundings (very important) you are not only representing yourself but also NITIE as a B
       School. So don’t do anything rash or unbecoming of that tag. It’s good to say “I don’t know”. You are not a full-
       time employee only an intern. The guides and mentors allocated are veterans in their field so there’s no point
       trying to pull a fast one on them by “showing” you know something. Its always well appreciated if you accept
       you  don’t  know  something  and  come  later  with  the  required  knowledge.  Always  be  in  touch  with  your
       manager/guide  and  make  sure  he/she  knows  what  you  are  upto.  In  most  cases  they  are  the  ones  who
       recommend you for a PPO/PPI.

       ❖  What pre-internship preparation do you suggest for juniors?

       EXCEL in EXCEL!!!.... majority of the work can be done in excel and in extension VBA. This is more than enough.
       Also if your company has asked you to prepare on certain domains or topics those are a definite must! Since
       Abbott had specifically asked to not prepare anything and just chill till the internship begins (yeah I’m not
       kidding!) there was nothing specific that I prepared apart from excel.

       ❖ Anything else you would like to add

       Be in touch with your peers. Some of you might be working on something similar. Your seniors who worked in
       the company prior to your internship will also be good sources of information

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