Page 26 - PPO Diaries
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PPO Diaries
❖ A brief overview of the project
I have interned at Wipro Ltd. in the Modern Application
Services (MAS) Domain. It has been a great journey. The Project
focused on Internal consulting and the major task was to
streamline the deployment of a new methodology and suggest
measures to overcome the challenges. At Wipro you are the
owner of your work and can take decisions that matter.
Wipro offers flexibility to work at your own pace. The kind of
mentoring and guidance that the managers and other staff
offered was also remarkable. The project involved contacting
various managers and taking their opinion on the current
scenario and It wouldn’t have been possible without the
support of everyone.
My only advise is enjoy the internship period, make contacts
__________________________________________ and network with everyone this will help you lifelong. Other
GENERAL INFORMATION than this basic excel skills are mandatory and a brief idea about
new tech can give you a head start.
Batch: PGDPM 05 All the best for your Summers!!!
BTech: DCRUST Murthal
Stream: Mechanical
Work Ex: Bluestar Ltd
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