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PPO Diaries
❖ A brief overview of the project
A new program was launched in Dec’18 to address vendor
selection addition called Dropship, the pace of selection
addition was sluggish even after 3 months of launch. I
identified 2 major root causes for the below par performance:
a) Delay in vendor onboarding and high dropouts, and
b) Slow pace in selection addition. The project aimed to impact
around the above 2 mentioned challenges.
Project was divided into 2 parts to solve above mentioned
challenges –
a) Vendor onboarding process was a high touch activity and
was sequential, with low visibility to stakeholders on progress
CLOUDTAIL and pending dependencies resulting in high dropouts. Worked
__________________________________________ on the process to make the activities move in parallel and
developed a macro enabled auto-mailer to send out periodic
GENERAL INFORMATION status updates to all stakeholders.
b) Selection onboarding process was changed to fast-track
Batch: PGDIM 25
selection addition from high selection potential vendors and
BTech: UICET, Panjab Dashboard have been put in place to streamline the selection
Stream: Chemical
Work Ex: Samsung, ISB
❖ How is a normal day at the Internship?
My internship started on April 1st, 2019 in Bangalore with an induction program of a couple of hours on the
first two days.
• The HR team took us through Amazon’s leadership principles, gave the IT systems, informed about the
people to reach out to, and I was off to meet my hiring managers in the second half.
• My hiring manager was a senior vendor manager . He briefly told about his team and my project and asked
me to meet the people there and learn about the work they do in detail.
• I took Knowledge Transfer (KT) sessions from the team in my first week. I was assigned my project and my
mentor in the middle of the first week. I spent this week understanding my project’s purpose and key
deliverables. I met the key stakeholders and tried obtaining their perspective of my project (Everyone has a
different understanding because the project assigned was completely forward looking or something that
the team had never worked upon. So, everyone had a different perspective and different expectations, but
they always asked me to think big and experiment. My manager told me, “You have to tell me what we
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