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       PPO Diaries

                                                       ❖ A brief overview of the project
                                                       Client: Tier-1 automotive supplier supplying plastic moulded
                                                       parts  and  seats  mainly to  Maruti  Suzuki  India  Limited. The
                                                       client has 2 plants each for seats and plastics business.

                                                       Objective:  Identifying  the  opportunities  for  increasing  the
                                                       efficiency  of  Blue-collar  Manpower,  Process  Improvement
                                                       and Raw Material Optimization.

                                                       During the course of internship, I worked in both seats and
                                                       plastics division. The project was a cost optimization project
                                                       and  all  the  recommendations  had  to  be  implemented
                                                       (Strategy  to  Execution  project).  I  had  to  study  the  existing
                                                       businesses and suggest/implement changes with the aim of
                   AMRIT AMAN                          cutting the cost. Worked extensively on the assembly lines
                                                       and shop floor.
                     PwC INDIA

                                                       ❖ How is a normal day at the Internship?

           GENERAL INFORMATION                         After reaching the plant, I used to go to the shop floor to study
                                                       to study the existing process (AS IS process) and collect data.
                  Batch: PGDIM 25
                                                       At times, study process for one assembly line could take a few

           BTech: Galgotia’s College of                days.
                                                       On, other days, I used to sit on my desk at client side and
            Engineering & Technology                   analyse the data collected data in order to conceive the To Be

                                                       process, even then there were short visits to the shop floor to
                 Stream: Electronics
                                                       discuss the changes with the line supervisor/in charge. Once

             Work Ex: Wipro, Ericsson                  the analysis was done, it had to be tested at full load on the
                                                       assembly line for feasibility.

     If the changes were feasible, then it had to be presented to the leadership of the client for signoff and full-

     fledged implementation.

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