Page 32 - PPO Diaries
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       PPO Diaries

                                                        ❖ A brief overview of the project
                                                        Cloudtail India Private ltd. is a seller on online marketplace,
                                                        that’s Amazon India. Cloudtail offers large range of products
                                                        in  different  categories  like  –  Softline,  hardline,  other
                                                        hardline, media, electronics, consumables etc. I was working
                                                        in consumables, and this category basically consists of all the
                                                        FMCG products.

                                                        My  project  title  was  ‘Unlocking  the  value  in  supply  chain
                                                        through  long  zone  shipment  reduction  in  consumables’.
                                                        When  a  customer  places  an  order  on  amazon,  it  gets
                                                        allocated  to  the  nearest  fulfilment  centre  of  amazon

                                                        depending upon the stock availability. The product will be
                                                        shipped  from  the  allocated  fulfilment  centre  to  the
                     CLOUDTAIL                          customer. If the product is travelling more than 600 kms,
                                                        before reaching to the customer, it will be called as long zone
          __________________________________________    delivery. The objective of this project was to save additional

                                                        cost occurring because of long zone shipments. I identified
                                                        the  root  causes  for  long  zone  occurrence  and  then
                                                        developed R-based and excel based tools for automation in
                   Batch: PGDIE 48
                                                        action plan preparation and ease in decision making.  By the
                   BTech: NIT Surat                     end of 8 weeks, there was a significant 8% reduction in LZ
                                                        shipments, resulting into total savings of approximately 1.21
                 Stream: Mechanical                     Cr per month.

                     Work Ex: RIL

       ❖ A normal day at the Internship:

       Days went so quick, overall it was a huge learning experience for me. I used to reach office early morning to get

       the work reviewed from senior In Stock managers and used to improvise according to the feedback received.
       Consumables is having 8 sub-categories, and each sub-category has In-stock managers and vendor managers.

       On a regular basis, I used to interact with various stake holders to understand different dimensions of the

       project and this way I could pick up a lot of things to learn.

       ❖ Challenges faced during Internship

       My project was having two fronts – one is about analysing the historical data for generating insights as action

       plan to reduce long zone shipment, and other side is about convincing the different vendors to execute the
       respective action plan. Data collection and post that, data cleaning were major challenges I found in data
       analysis. In the other part, challenges were from vendor side like - capacity constraints, Minimum of quantity
       constraints, so I negotiated with different vendors to resolve those constraints.

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