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PPO Diaries
❖ A brief overview of the project
I interned with Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Limited. My
project was in warehousing. I was mentored by Mr. Kamal
Kant Kathuria, Head - Warehouse Operations.
The finished goods from factories & suppliers and received
at warehouse and these goods are dispatched to next users
from warehouse. Warehousing activities were mostly
manual, so the activity duration was governed by human.
Work was not standardized, so same activity was carried out
by different method by different workers. This was affecting
manpower utilization. And there was no SOP. So, my first
aspect of project was ‘to understand the process, align
everyone to single process & document’. Second was
‘Assessment of productivity standard for each operation with
respect to operation/Channel/Category and Benchmarking’.
ABFRL Third aspect of project was ‘Using productivity standard work
planning & allocation of manpower on daily basis.
Assessment of weekly/Monthly requirement’. Now to
GENERAL INFORMATION improve the productivity, workers needed to get assistance.
For that automation was the solution. Next aspect of the
Batch: PGDIE 48 project was ‘Assessment of New technologies/Automation
feasibility in line with order management system & facility
BTech: GEC, Thrissur planning to drive sustainable way of operations. For further
scope of improvement Value Stream Mapping was carried
Stream: Production out. And last part of the project was ‘Packing Carton
Management workflow- Storage, Replenishment to WH as
Work Ex: Pearl city Marines
well as floors, Kanban way of working to have minimal
Products Pvt Ltd Inventory’
❖ How is a normal day at the Internship?
Accommodation to the project location (Warehouse) was around 40km. I reach the warehouse around 9:45
am. I visit all the workstations, meet supervisors & meet managers. Then I sit with the mentor and try to learn
& adapt as much as possible. I invested more time in understanding the process. I leave around 5:30 pm from
the warehouse & reach accommodation by 8 pm.
❖ What are the challenges faced during Internship?
Biggest challenge was to prove my worth in short time. Understanding the process itself took 40 days. Honestly,
my communication skills in languages other than Malayalam were so poor. I faced lot of difficulties in
communication with top management (English), Supervisors (Hindi), Workers (Kannada). Almost 5 to 6 hours
per day I needed to travel.
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