Page 16 - Promo-Logue
P. 16
More advance commercial models will start at $300,000.00.
Voice commands will control the advanced models.
Anyone with the ability to tell a story will become a
film producer.
The casting couch will become a thing of the past.
All you need is your thoughts and imagination.
There will be no more kissing the asses of directors and
movie execs.
No more selling your soul just to be a part of the
movie industry.
There will be no more blackballing actors and actresses.
No more begging banks and other entities for funds to
back your movie projects.
Films can be produced from your mind directly to
the market.
However, promotion can be a slight obstacle because
our government systems control the internet.
So here I am in August of 2021, promoting my book
and my movie.
I am speaking to a group of millennials in one of my
venues called the Sonic Continuum.
The building is a blue geodesic dome on the outside.