P. 83
find themselves stuck and stopped Everything is okay until Verona,
in a corner between the statue of when the antennas of Radioviolen-
the Myron discobolus and a locker za send us a coded message.
room for athletes, with a ten of us DIGRESSION TWO: Radioviolenza is
in front. The chaos greeted by that the nice superhero you don’t expect,
statue is still an unprecedented fla- made up of ordinary, helpful people
sh, every now and then it assails who don’t like our methods very
my memory colonizing it with sce- much but love us a lot: mothers,
nes from the theater of the absurd. girlfriends and boyfriends, aun-
Excitement over, moment of frost: ts and uncles who live and travel
the hardest of them points a te- through the city and the province,
ar-gas rocket in my face. I could see creating a network of observers.
the aluminum gray of the rocket’s And accidentally, some of them are
nose cone in the black barrel. Not almost always in the right place at
a very recommendable situation, the right time to alert us to unusual
with hindsight, while at that mo- events at critical points.
ment I came out with a billiard Radioviolenza has invisible adver-
shot, twirl my pole lined with blue- sary, also without mask: the Digos
black fabric and solemnly proclaim (italian special police plainclothes
“if you kill me, they kill you”. We are services).
also strong in equations, it’s a fact. END OF DIGRESSION TWO
The hero of the day waited just One of their plainclothes cars was
enough for his colleagues to charge waiting for us at the Bergamo tol-
from the left and open a passage for lbooth to identify us. Getting out at
them to reconnect with the bulk of the Seriate tollbooth, the one befo-
the platoon, while we made a che- re the trap, has never been so gra-
erful run to our bus, ready to give tifying.
relief to the last with open doors For those who waited for us for
and running motors. The cops think three hours and returned to the
it’s a good idea to give up and let us barracks, a simple consideration:
go, the entrance to the highway is not even the charm of the uniform.
the safety of our souls and our as-
ses. Good story.