P. 87
in knocking him out. Soldier Ball, tation. Soldier Ball, if you can hear
you can be a Nazi all you want, but me, know that I respected you more
if you were raised in the Milanese when we were young.
suburbs, you’ve lost touch with the END DIGRESSION
earth, with blood, I don’t.
Soldier ball tonight I am your However, they have one last wea-
Southerner. pon in their hats before the retreat:
With him out I can help out, I see two beautiful backpacks of stones
someone on the ground bleeding to dump on us to cover their esca-
stuck between two cars with a bald pe. I think they planned it pretty
head on top ready to open him up well that night.
again: wonderful kick in the ass to The aim was to be fixed, no serious
clear the area and flying rescue: injuries and we went back to the
come on dear, the world still loves parking lot: a nice surprise, patrol
you! The Soldier Ball must have car with cops, shotguns in hand at
been their leader, because with him waist height, we were too many to
in a bad way their confidence goes be a couple of heroes anyway. They
down a lot. are not stupid. At the advice of the
old guard, I leave the car, since my
DIGRESSION NUMBER FOUR: I was car is the one that was charging
right about Soldier Ball: he was in with little dialectic and very circu-
fact their leader and obviously had mstantial arguments, I go home wi-
many more problems than mine: a thout holes or missing pieces. Not
few years later I found him in the bad for the way it was looking to-
newspaper for murder, he had shot day.
his father, who beat him, his mother
and his brothers badly and daily.
Really shitty story, and I felt so sor-
ry for him. Arrested for murder he
does a few years jail and then I find
him on TV at the Leopolda inter-
viewed by Renzi because he wrote
a book on repentance and rehabili-