P. 86
Spree, Provoke, Ambrosiana, Crazy, Soldier Ball
All’s well that ends well, it’s summer three locals who had given the si-
and I slipped with friends at the ‘Fe- gnal, wrong because in front of
sta dell’Unità’ to make spree. them you could see a dozen of
Ambrosiana Skinhead from Milan,
DIGRESSION THREE: to spree at the all wearing black bomber jackets,
Festa dell’Unità means to try to fuck black polo shirts, black jeans and
up in every possible way those shit- black shoes. And above all, all with
ty bureaucrats: Stalinists and at the a blade in their hands.
same time Atlanticists, colluders,
corrupt and all the worst insults Loaded and ready, on the one hand
that can be send that will never be to give performative substance to
enough. The party, tip of the party’s their language: you know things like
pitiful show with shitty music, shit- blood and honor, honor and loyalty
ty cultural proposals, shitty deba- and other consequent amenities all
tes, in short, shitty, but it allowed of little imagination; on the other
people to drink for free at some hand to be seen to climb the hie-
points, exchanging tickets that had rarchies with their older brothers
not been validated yet and, above Hammerskins, now distant from the
all, grabbing kilos of lobsters, mus- street and engaged in more profi-
sels and various molluscs by simply table trade of cocaine and the like.
ripping open the part of the cloth Two insults from a distance and then
of the stand facing south towards it’s off to the tango, another round,
the parking lots. another race: I too, loaded, sprint
END OF DIGRESSION forward and find myself the first of
them: small, dark and stocky, he had
But not even the time to drink a the same look as Joker Aka Soldier
well-deserved beer kindly offered Ball in Full Metal jacket. Crazy, but
that Radioviolenza turned on again not crazy in the sense of contempt
the frequencies: it says that there for danger like me, crazy in the sen-
are a group of Bonehead to provoke se of someone with problems much
and attack in a club frequented by more serious than mine. To my in-
people of the underground circuit. vitation to throw away the blade
We go up to the upper city to have a he answered with courtesy that
look, never, but it sounds strange to he would have done it if I had first
me, of territorial presences able to thrown away the stick I was hol-
perform hard assaults had not been ding. What stick? This one that I’m
seen for years. smashing on your head? Yes, him.
I was both wrong and right, right Long levers and much better trai-
because there were only two or ned reflexes were formidable allies