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               Microworld in the Digital World

               As part of the Biosafety and Bioprotection project that we implemented in our school, numerous
               activities  and  workshops  were  realized.  Through  research-oriented  classes,  students  are
               introduced to the importance of a professional and scientific approach in disease prevention,
               dangerous disease agents and how to critically evaluate information in the media public space,
               in accordance with their age.
               In order to  motivate students  to  research, we designed a motivational workshop  called  Do
               viruses and bacteria know mathematics?
               Using an easy-to-understand model of linear and exponential spread of disease agents, they
               investigated the speed of spread of infection and displayed it graphically using the Canva tool,
               and compared their results using the Lino tool.
               After the obtained results, the students, through a mini-research project called Big for Small,
               were supposed to investigate and record the causes of some diseases, symptoms and treatment
               using the digital tool Padlet. 7th and 8th grade students prepared and led activities for 3rd grade
               students. They made disinfectants from alcohol and essential oils, monitored the growth of
               bacteria on nutrient media, examined yeast fungi and green mold under a microscope. During
               the activity, the 3rd grade students observed and noted changes, drew conclusions and based on
               that created a book in the digital tool Book Creator.
               Since some viruses contain a DNA molecule, the activity that brought the students closer to
               what is invisible to the eye is the practical work of isolating DNA from a living organism and
               making a model of DNA in the form of a double helix. Using the Avogardo digital tool and the
               MolView  web  application,  students  created  three-dimensional  models  of DNA  and  alcohol
               molecules and thus visualized these chemical compounds.
               The  students  had  the  opportunity  to  see  how  "real"  scientists  do  research,  they  visited  the
               Institute for Medical Research in Zagreb and the Teaching Institute for Public Health "Andrija
               Štampar", which donated sterile equipment for research work.
               Two teams of students conducted mini research projects and presented them at the Biosafety
               and Bioprotection project review, presenting the research results through a scientific poster in
               the Canva tool.
               Through  cooperative  research  learning,  students  discover,  learn  and  understand  complex
               concepts more easily if they cooperate with each other, while also learning from each other,
               developing their social skills and self-confidence. The contribution of original learning outside
               of school by visiting external institutions and promoting learning in a real life environment
               where it motivates students towards possible future occupations and broadens their professional
               horizons.  They  are  encouraged  to  think  scientifically,  write  in  a  scientific  style  and  are
               introduced to the way of thinking of real scientists.

               Key words: collaborative learning, lifelong active learning, microorganisms, digital tools

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