Page 3 - How We Position You For Investment Success
P. 3

3           Expect Bear Markets & Recessions

             • Be a long-term, goal-focused investor.
             • Recessions and market declines come and go; it's nothing to be shocked about

               Bear markets can be a great buying opportunity while prices are temporarily

               depressed; buy low, sell high.

                                                                 On average, the S&P 500 index

                                                                declines 15% during each year &

                                                                      30% once every 5 years

          4           Resist Chasing

            • Avoid the temptation to follow the crowd.

            • Don’t chase past returns of  investments or exciting fads that are getting all the hype.
            • Make investment strategy decisions that fit your financial goals and planning.

          $4,000,000        Growth of $100,000 over 40 years

          $3,500,000                      Invested All Days
                                          Missing 25 Best Days




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