Page 5 - How We Position You For Investment Success
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7           Volatility is Your Friend

             •   Markets fluctuate & short-term volatility allows patient investors the potential to
                 earn a great long-term growth return.
             •   Volatility is ever-present but long-term investors should not mistake daily

                 fluctuations with long-term market performance.
             •   Volatility can be beneficial, if  you’re prepared for unique opportunities.

                         STOCK PRICE                                          STOCK PRICE

                          Last 10 Weeks                                         Last 10 Years

            $75                                                   $70
            $70                                                   $50
            $65                                                   $40

            $60                                                   $30
            $55                                                   $10

            $50                                                    $0
             2/2020             3/2020            4/2020               2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020

          8           Look Beyond Headlines

             •   Financial news is not your friend; headlines lack accountability or personalization
             •   Forecasts are foolish and the media would love to infuse the emotions of fear or

                 greed into every potential news watcher
             •   As humans, we tend to give more weight to negative news than we do positive news.

                                  Actual Growth                                             Actual Growth

                                   03/09 - 12/19                                           1/1999 - 12/2000

                                      +336%                                                      -104%
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8