Page 4 - How We Position You For Investment Success
P. 4

5           Think Long-Term

             •   Know the difference between temporary decline and permanent loss.
             •   The longer you stay invested, the greater your chances of success.

             •   Time is your most valuable asset when you're further  away from retirement.

                         Rolling returns of stocks - historical

                  1 Year                       5Year                        10 Year                    20Year

                                           10%                             3%


                 73%                          90%                          97%

                                         Times you made money (positive returns)

                                         Times you lost money (negative returns)

          6           Avoid Market Timing

             •   Time invested in the market is more important than timing the market.

             •   Invest when you have money and sell when you need money.

             •   Your portfolio is based on your long-term goals, not the whims of  the market.
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