Page 7 - How We Position You For Investment Success
P. 7


        Past Performance is not indicative

                     of  future returns.

      Diversification does not eliminate

      risk. Figures stated in the slides above

      are for illustrative purposes only and
      are derived based on assumptions

      and information provided by third

      parties and/or other historical

      assumptions. The assumptions and

      information contained herein may

      change over time. Some of the

      information presented is based on
      current tax rules and legislation which                       Pacific Capital is an SEC Registered

      are subject to change. Hence, it is                           Investment Advisor (RIA) in

      imperative that you review your                               Southern California.

      financial plan regularly to ensure it is

      up-to-date and addresses your current                         All of the information provided are

      needs. It is also important to look at a                      from sources we believe to be

      few different scenarios to get an idea                        realizable. No promises of
      of the impact of various assumptions                          investment returns or guarantees are

      on your planning objectives.                                  made in this presentation.

      Before making decisions with legal,                           For additional information an

      tax, or accounting ramifications, you                         disclosures, visit our website at

      should consult appropriate                          

      professionals for advice that is
      specific to your situation.
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