Page 79 - The Law of Lashes Ultimate Lash Ebook
P. 79


    Hold the Nano Mister 8 to 10 inches above the client’s eye. Mist each eye for
  approximately 15 seconds per eye, making a total of 30 seconds of misting. This
    may vary depending on the strength of your nano mister. Most automatically
                         stop misting after 30 seconds.

                                 TIME TO FAN

         Hold the fan 8 to 10 inches above the client’s eye. Fan each eye for
    approximately 15 seconds per eye, making a total of 30 seconds of fanning.

    If your client experiences a burning or stinging sensation during the service,
   check to make sure the eye pads are on correctly, check to make sure the eyes
            are completely closed and nanomist to get rid of any fumes.
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