Page 11 - the story of motoring
P. 11
Cars built before 1914 were mainly for the rich who wanted comfort and luxury.
It was during this time that one of the most beautiful and well-made cars ever J
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built, came onto the mctoring scene. The Rolls-Royce 'Silver Ghost'.
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Henry Royce was an electrical engineer who had just begun to build small cars. " -.
These cars were very well made and worked smoothly. An important car salesman
called Rolls heard about Royce's cars and became very interested. In 1904 they
agreed to become partners; Royce would make the cars and Rolls would sell them.
The most famous Rolls-Royce car was the 'Silver Ghost' of 1907. Its 48 h.p.
I engine was so quiet that everyone was astonished. The high standard of workman-
ship and performance gave the Silver Ghost the reputation of being 'the best car
in the world'. The paktnership only lasted for four years because in 1910 Rolls
was killed in a flying accident.
Rolls Royce Cars
1906-1925 40/50 Silver Ghost 1950-1 95-6. Phantom IV
1922-1 929 Twenty 1955-1959 Silver Cloud I
1925-1929 Phantom I 1959-1962 Silver Cloud I1
r 1929-1 935 20/25 1959-1972 Phantom V
1929-1 935 Phantom I1 1962-1966 Silver Cloud I11
1936-1 938 25/30 1965-1 977 Silver Shadow
.. .. 1936-1 939 Phantom I11 1971 - Corniche
. ..>. 1938-1939 Wraith 1972- Phantom VI
1947-1 959 Silver Wraith 1975- Camarge
1949-1 955 Silver Dawn 1977- Silver Shadow I11
1980- Silver Sprite < - r
Rolls Royce Silver Ghost