Page 13 - the story of motoring
P. 13

Model  T  Ford

              In all 15  million Model  Ts  were  made.     At  one  time  during  1922  half  the  cars  in
              the  world  were  godel  Ts.   The  Model  T  was  popular  because  it gave  most  people
              every  thing they  wanted  at  a  low  price.    In 1925  this  car  only  cost  £125.     You
              no  longer  had  to be  rich to  enjoy  motoring.     Millions of  people  all over  the
              world  had  their  first taste  of  motoring  in a  Model  T.     To  keep  the  price  low,
              Ford  made  the  car  very  simple  in appearance.     There  were  no  luxury  seats,  few
              instruments  and  a  plain appearance.      It was  also  reliable and  tough.      The  cars
              top  speed  was  50mph  at 25  miles to the  gallon.     The  Ford  seemed  to  last  for  ever,
              it could  take  every  punisment.      The  bodywork  could  easily  be  changed  from  seats
              for  the  family  to delivery  van  style.    Farmers  fitted spiked  wheels  and  used  the
              car  to pull a  plough.    Model  T  or  'Tin  Lizzie'  powered  saws,  harvesting machines,
              pumped  water  and  generated  electricity.      It was  a  maid  of  all work  and  people
              loved  it.

              Many  jokes  were  told about  the  Model  T,  making  fun  of  the  way  it ran  or  looked.
              'A  lady  was  telling me  about  the  fine  new  car  their  mighbour  was  going  to get'.
              'Whats  the  name  of  the  car?'.   'I can't  remember  but  it starts  with T'.       'That
              must  be  a  Ford.   All the  rest  start with  petrol'.

              'Did  you  hear  about  the  man  who  tied  his dog  to  his  Model  T  and  was  arrested for
              tying a  tin can  to a  dog'.

              'Can  I sell you  a  speedometer?'.      'I don't  use  one.   When  my  Ford  is running  5mph
              the  mudguard  rattles,  12mph  my  teeth rattle and  15mph  the  engine  drops  out'.

              The  achievements  of  Henry  Ford  are  a  landmark  in the  story  of  motoring.     He  made
              the  first cheap  family  car  and  introduced  mass  production.
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