Page 14 - the story of motoring
P. 14
The speed kings
RULES FOR RECORD BREAKING. A vehicle and engine can be of any size but there must
be direct drive to two wheels. In 1965 the authorities set up a second class of
rzcord breaker called the 'Specials' for jet and rocket cars. Two runs must be made
in opposite directions within one hour. In this time cars can be refuelled or have
tyres changed. The calculated speed is the average of the two runs.
The first World Land Speed Record was set at 39mph
\ ' in 1898. This was achieved by an electric car
driven by Count Garton de Chasseloup-Laubat. For
the next few there was great rivalry between elec-
tric, steam and petrol cars. The last steam car
set a record of 127mph in 1906.
?he First Xorld Land
speed Fiecord Breaker The greatest record breaker of all was Malcolm Camp-
bell (9 records between 1925 and 19351. He called all
his cars Bluebird. He had two other rivals, Henry
Segrave and Parry Thomas. Thomas tragically lost his life when the chains driving
the wheels snapped, ripped through the side panels and cut his head off. Segrave was I I
the first to break the 200mph limit in 1927. He also drove the beautiful, stream-
lined 'Golden Arrow' (231mphl. Malcolm Campbell's greatest moment of triumph came in
1935 at Bonneville salt flats, U.S.A. On the first run oil sprayed onto the wind-
screen, so he could not see where he was going. Then exhaust fumes entered the cock-
pit and he was being gassed. To make matters worse a tyre caught fire at the end of 1
the course. If this was not enough he had to do a return run. This occured without
a hitch and gave him the record of 30lmph.