Page 17 - the story of motoring
P. 17

Popular Motoring 1920's
              A  wide  range  of  services were  now  available  to the motorist.       Petrol  stations  were
              now  commonplace.    Spare  parts  and  garages  repairs  were  no  longer  difficult  to find.

              By  the  1930s  roads.were  better  made  and  tarmaced.     By-passes  of  towns  were  built
              but  country  roads  were  still very  narrow  and  meandering.       In  towns,  roads  were  well
              lit  at  night.   The  first  traffic  lights  were  fitted  in London  in  1931  and  the  first
              catseyes  came  in  1934.  The  roads  were  becoming  a  lot  safer.     The  ridiculous  speed
              limit  of  20mph  had  lasted  since  1903 but  few  people  took  any  notice  of  it.  In  1935
              a  limit  of  30mph  was  set  for  built  up  areas  and  still exists  today.    Country  roads
              were  still empty  but  on  Bank  Holidays  there  were  huge  traffic  jams  on  roads  to and
              from  the  coast.

              The  car  bought  by  the  1930s motorist  was  worlds  apart  from  the veteran  car.      The
              familysaloan car  was  now  made  of  pressed  steel,  had  a  roof,  all round  windows,  four
              wheel  brakes  and  a  far more  efficient  and  reliable  engine.      There  was  electric
              starting.  lights,  indicators  and  windscreen  wipers.

              The  car  in this  period  was  now  used  as a  working  machine  rather  than  as a  pastime.
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