Page 21 - the story of motoring
P. 21

tremendously  by  this  time.     There  was  all-chain  drive  [instead  of  the  flat
            leather  belt),  a  gearbox,  kick  starter,  hand  operated  clutch  and  large rounded
            fuel  tanks.    In fact  the motorcycles  was  more  like the  ones  of  today  than  the
            The  motorcycle  has  been  very  useful  in wartime.      In the  First World  War  (1914-
            19181  motorbikes  were  used  by  dispatch  riders.      This  was  extremely  dangerous
            because  amongst  the  gunfire  and  shells,  a  rider  had  to cross  thick mud  and  cra-
            tered  land.    During  the  Second  World  War  the  motorcycle  onc_e_.again  proved  its
            worth  and  the  Germans  even  effectively  used  motorbikes  and  sidecars  fitted  with
            machine  guns.

            The  scooter  became  populdr  during the  1950s  and  60s.      The  Italian Vespas  and
            Lambrettas  were  widely  bought  as  a  form  of  runabout  transport  by  young  people.
            The  scooter  was  also  the  symbol  of the  Mods.    The  Mods  were  a  common  sight  in
            the  1960s  with  their  scooters  decorated  in wing  mirrors  and  lights.

            Today  Japanese  mopeds  and  motorcycles  dominate  the  sales  rooms.       The  British
            lost  the market  for  a  number  of  reasons.    They  failed  to  see  the  demand  by  many
            riders  for  cheap  but  stylish and  powerful  light motorcycles.        The  British con-
            tinued  to concentrate  on  making  large expensive  bikes.        Japanese  firms  like
            Honda,  Suzuki  and  Yamaha  provide  just  the  type  of machine  wanted  at a  good  price.

            There  are many  exciting  motorcycle  sports.       The  most  glamorous  is Grand  Prix
            racing.    Its noisy,  colourful  and  fast.     Speeds  can  reach 170mph.     The  most
            famous  motorcycle  race  is the  Isle of Man  T.T.       The  twisting  circuit  through
            villages  and  over  moors  is the  toughest  test  of men  and  their machine.       Speed-               P
            way  is Britain's  second  largest  spectator  sport.       The  bikes  have  tremendous                -
                                                                                                                   '-.  i(
            acceleration.     The  race  is all about  4  riders  battling  it out  over  2  laps.     Ice
            speedway  is popular  in Russia  and  Scandinavia.        The  tyres  have  metal  spikes
            which  could  give  terrible  injuries to a  fallen  rider.  He  wears  a  helmet,  leather
            suit,  steel  capped  boots  and  a  length of  car  tyre  over  his  left knee  and  leg.
            The  fastest  sport  is world  land  speed  record  breaking.      The  record  for  two  wheels
            is 318mph  and  held  by  Don  Vesco.    Drag  racing  is simply  going  as  fast  as  possible
            over  a  $  mile  strip.   200mph  can  be  reached  in 7  seconds.    Trials  riding is all
            about  skillful  handling  of  a  bike  over  very  rough  ground  like rocks,  streams  and
            hills  -
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