Page 25 - the story of motoring
P. 25
1-1 Alaska, North Russia and Iceland there arc no roads in winter. From Novcnber
-1; May thick snolzi and ice cover tile land. So snocats are used. These huge tracked
.shicles crisscross the Artic carrying food and equipment. For personal use there
:s the skidoo. Villages and houses are no longer isolated. Where it used to take
7 days by reindeer sledge, it noh takes 5 hours by skidoo.
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I'he Snocat
15 trd~t~r c)l-~z ~~irou,~rioclt ih \e;lr pruducln); much of uur uaily food. Its '_o~,n
dn,;lni= c~ri 11~11 1,glde range of iml~lernents. Ploughs, barro!\is, seed machines, c~lt
:3r- 71d c~ntalner~ collect the narvest. The specic31 large rear wheel5 have (2
/=r, cliiep ::re tre_id. This i re vents the tractor from becornin:: boqgeil dc, r- ~irid
ftar, - ril.
The Tractor