Page 28 - the story of motoring
P. 28
In the wrly days all macoring rss s apc&'&x$ therefore',811 cara $rb sports-
czms. Tk ~csr w%el$; 'bubbp a pkatim end drzwn just far the fun.' Homer,
1 r~ces . . J . The firsi- mator race was the Paris - Roum
ffi t894 ~i~h' &@*w- $emof about ?%~ph +ks~dhg reached. France continued to
hld mre gggpea end soon bmme the mosh mportant country in motw r
&twa3egF$&El% and 4903 the great city ty races were held, like Pa? g-to
&te&, Vienna, Berlin. The 1903 - Plixkid race ended in dim&ts~.'Ths ..
thousands of spectators often stood t@ k$&.mad it@+, and the blinding gtlst
caused drivers to crash, killbing thmk&%@@~ .enb spaREtators. Nine were hllled
and twelve seriously injured.