Page 29 - the story of motoring
P. 29
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3eiltleys lead away at Le Mans 1928
=dllying is the toughest test of a car and a drivers skill. Terrible road
;onditions, bad weather and long hours of driving are all found in rallies.
-~e two toughest rallies are the Monte Carlo and the East African Safari.
z3r the Monte Carlo Rally competitors leave from starting points all over
Europe and head towards Monaco. Mountains, snow, night driving and high
s~eeds are all to be expected. The East African Safari's 4,000 mile course
:Ivers the worst conditions imaginable. Dusty tracks, rivers in flooa,heat,
- -
=-orms, wild animals can 311 h~ ~xp~rienced in the 2; dav event.
fast Africa rally
:rag racing is simply accelerating as fast as you can over a distance of a
:darter mile against a rival. It can all be over in 5 seconds with acceler-
%;ion of 0 to 100rnph in 1; seconds. Speeds of 250mph are achieved in this
short time. Since the race happens so quickly speeds 2nd time are workedout
- e;ectronically.