Page 24 - the story of motoring
P. 24

Vehicles at work

      The  car  plays  a  very  important  part  in our  lives  but  many  other  types  of  vehicles
      do  important  work.    These  are  the  hard  workers  like buses,  lorries,  delivery  vans
      trucks  and  tankers.    Some  vehicles  have  very  special  jobs  and  are  designed  specially
      for  that  purpose.
      Tile  tank  was  first used  in the  First World  War.     By  the  Second  World  War  the  tank
      had  become  an  essential  part  of  any  army.    They  were  now  faster  and  with more  arma-
      ments.    The  important  tanks  from  the  1939-45  war  were  the  Tiger  panzer  (Germany),
      T.34  (Russia),  Sherman  (U.S.A*.I    and  the  Comet  and  Churchill  (Britain).
      Today  the  most  powerful  tank  in the world  is the  British  -  Chieftain.        Its 120mm
      zun  can  bombard  a  site 4  miles  away  and  hit another  tank  2  miles  distant.     This  is
      accomplished  by  a  laser  rangefinder  and  night  vision  equipment  means  that  smoke  or
      darkness  are  no  problem.    The  Chieftain's  engine  can  power  the  tank's  54  tons  up  a
      gadient  of  1  in 2  and  cover  rough  ground  at over  30mph.
      Another  special  military  vehicle  is the  Stalwart.       The  powerful  lorry  is also cap-
      able  of  'swimming'  across  water.     Its main  function  is to carry  heavy  loads,  like
      artillery shells,  and  can  take  them  virtually  anywhere.

                          Chieftain tank
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