Page 13 - MANIVILAKU MAY 2024 -5
P. 13

The Sacrament of Baptism

             Rev. Fr Aji Varghese
          St.Paul &St. Peter Syro Malankara
          Catholic Church, Niagara Region

        T    he sacrament of Baptism is

             a profound and meaningful

        rite of passage  that signifies
        the beginning of a believer’s

        Christian life. This holy  sacra-
        ment is rooted in sacred scrip-                    Through the act of Baptism, one is

        tures and Church traditions and                    cleansed of original sin  and reborn

        represents a profound spiritual                    into a new life in Christ. This transfor-
        journey that brings the faith-                     mation is more than just symbolic; it

        ful in alignment with the life,                    represents a powerful and significant
        death, and resurrection of Jesus                   change that brings believers closer to

        Christ, encapsulating  the very                    our Lord and strengthens their connec-
        essence of Christian existence.                    tion with Him. As such, Baptism is a
                                                           source of hope and renewal, providing

     aWn-hn-f-¡v  “ --sabv 2024                                                                          13
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