Page 16 - MANIVILAKU MAY 2024 -5
P. 16
The Sacrament of Baptism
just as the Israelites were freed as a symbol of spiritual rebirth and
from Egyptian bondage. Baptism renewal, representing a death to
also marks the transition from slav- sin and a resurrection to a new life
ery to freedom, from death to life. in Christ.
In addition, the passage through
the Jordan River by Joshua and the Baptism and the word of God
Israelites prefigures baptism and
represents entry into the promised The significance of Baptism and its
land and eternal life for Christians. connection to the Word of God can-
not be understated, as it serves a
Baptism in the New Testament vital role in the enlightenment and
transformation of its candidates.
In the New Testament, Jesus Christ As stated in the Catholic Church’s
directly instituted and commanded Catechism, the proclamation of the
baptism as a crucial aspect of the Word of God is essential in the cel-
faith journey. After His own bap- ebration of Baptism. It serves to
tism in the River Jordan by John illuminate the candidates and con-
the Baptist, Jesus emphasized gregation with the revealed truth,
the importance of baptism to His eliciting a response of faith that is
disciples. In Matthew 28:19, He inseparable from the sacrament it-
instructed them to “Go therefore self. Additionally, Baptism is
and make disciples of all nations, referred to as a “bath of water,”
baptizing them in the name of the in which the “imperishable seed”
Father and of the Son and of the of the Word of God has a lifegiv-
Holy Spirit,” underlining the pivotal ing effect. This emphasizes the
role baptism plays in the Christian sacrament’s ability to regenerate
mission. through the divine Word. The
transformation that occurs during
The apostle Paul further expounds Baptism is further described as an
on the profound theological signif- “enlightenment,” as those who re-
icance of baptism in Romans 6:3-4, ceive catechetical instruction be-
explaining that through baptism, come “enlightened” in their un-
believers are “baptized into Christ derstanding. The person being
Jesus” and “buried with baptized becomes a “child of light,”
that, just as Christ was raised from and in fact, becomes “light” itself.
the dead...we too might walk in These passages underscore the
newness of life.” This passage un- profound connection between the
derscores the essence of baptism Word and water in Baptism, mak-
aWn-hn-f-¡v | --sabv 2024
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