Page 15 - MANIVILAKU MAY 2024 -5
P. 15
The Sacrament of Baptism
Infant baptism and taught by the Church, baptism is
viewed as the means by which the
With the aim of freeing newborns grace of salvation is bestowed upon
from original sin and introducing us. It represents the sacramental ini-
them to the Christian way of tiation into the Christian way of life,
life from an early stage, Catholic and is deemed an integral compo-
church continues the practice of nent of our salvation journey. This
infant baptism. The Church highlights the pressing need and
emphasizes the significance of significance of this sacrament in our
baptism taking place soon after spiritual growth (CCC 1257).
birth, as it ensures that children
are welcomed as members of the The faith and Baptism
Church and are bestowed with di-
vine grace from the very start The Catholic Church recognizes the
(CCC 1250). importance of both faith and bap-
tism, with the latter being a sacra-
The Significance and Nature of ment that is embraced for infants as
Baptism well as adults. The community of be-
lievers, including parents and god-
Baptism is a sacred sacrament parents, play a crucial role in profess-
that leaves an enduring spiritual ing their faith on behalf of the child,
imprint on the soul of the recipi- which is essential to the validity of
ent, dedicating them for Christian the sacrament. This commitment to
worship. It transforms the individ- nurturing the spiritual journey of the
ual into a new being, a beloved baptized underscores the integral
child of God, who shares in the role of the community in the Catholic
divine essence and is destined Church (CCC 1253-1255).
for eternal life. This spiritual char-
acter symbolizes an everlasting Baptism and Old Testament
bond with Jesus and the Church
(CCC 1272-1274). The Old Testament contains several
narratives that foreshadow the im-
The Importance of Baptism portance of baptism. These stories
represent purification and new be-
In the Catholic faith, baptism is ginnings, such as the crossing of the
not merely a personal prefer- Red Sea by the Israelites under Mo-
ence, but a crucial step towards ses’ leadership. This event symboliz-
salvation. As directed by Christ es the liberating power of baptism,
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