Page 18 - MANIVILAKU MAY 2024 -5
P. 18

The Sacrament of Baptism

                                                              community  is equally  important  in
                                                              providing support and opportuni-

        This is not just a privilege, but a  ties for deeper  engagement  with
        serious ecclesial function that plac-                 the faith, creating a robust spiritual

        es godparents at the forefront of  environment that encourages con-
        nurturing  the sacramental life ini-                  tinual growth and participation.

        tiated  at Baptism.  They are  en-
        trusted with ensuring that the bap-                          The liturgy of the Baptism

        tized are raised in the faith, which

        is central to the Church’s mission.  The Liturgical Celebration  of Bap-
        In today’s Church, one of the chal-                   tism is a rich and  symbolic  rite,

        lenges we face is the presence of  designed to deepen the faithful’s
        non-evangelized baptized Chris-                       understanding of the profound spir-

        tians in our communities. This high-                  itual realities of this first sacrament
        lights the critical role that parents,  of initiation. From the renunciation

        godparents, and the wider commu-                      of sin and  the  profession of faith
        nity play in shaping the faith life  to the invocation of the Holy Spir-

        of the baptized. The Catechism of  it over the baptismal  waters to
        the Catholic Church emphasizes the  each element of the baptismal lit-

        responsibility of parents and god-                    urgy is carefully crafted to convey

        parents in ensuring that the bap-                     the transformative power of this
        tized are brought up in the faith  sacred ritual. As described in the

        (CCC 1255). This task is essential  CCC, through baptism, we are freed
        in helping  those  who  have  been  from sin and reborn as sons of God,

        baptized but not fully evangelized  becoming  members of Christ and
        to grow in their understanding of  sharing in the Church’s mission. This

        Christianity  and actively partic-                    powerful  statement highlights the

        ipate in the life and mission of  transformative nature of this sacra-
        the Church. The involvement of the  ment, welcoming believers into the

    aWn-hn-f-¡v  | --sabv 2024
    aWn-hn-f-¡v  “ --sabv 2024                                                                           18
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