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relates to four movements that have occurred and are continuing to happen. These
are the emancipation of slavery, women, ethnic and religious minorities. While it has
to be said that the first has almost been achieved and the second and third have made
great strides globally, the last one has barely begun. But the direction forward is clear.
Adopting to modernity is the path to become “Vishwamanava”
Though the spread of modernity is centuries old, it is still in its infancy and there is still
a long way to go. The forces of reaction and tradition will continue to fight by any means
they can to preserve their privileged position. There will be setbacks but as we have
seen, fascism, communism even global wars have not stopped the spread of modernity.
And no doubt new forces will arise that proclaim that they are the way forward. But
modernity will triumph in the end because at its heart it embodies the deep human
need to be free and to live a life of dignity and respect. This is what I perceive to be the
broader meaning of the poem by Kuvempu. His writings and his contribution to,‘Universal
relates to four movements that have occurred and are continuing to happen. These
Humanism’ (in his own words, “Vishwamaanavata Vaada”) gives him a unique place in
relates to four movements that have occurred and are continuing to happen. These
are the emancipation of
modern Indian Literature.slavery, women, ethnic and religious minorities. While it has
are the emancipation of slavery, women, ethnic and religious minorities. While it has
to be said that the first has almost been achieved and the second and third have made
to be said that the first has almost been achieved and the second and third have made
Today, I take pride in writing about Sri. G. Rame Gowda born on
great strides globally, the last one has barely begun. But the direction forward is clear.
great strides globally, the last one has barely begun. But the direction forward is clear.
April 10 , 1917 at Doddaballapur Taluk, Bengaluru District, who
Adopting to modernity is the path to become “Vishwamanava”
Adopting to modernity is the path to become “Vishwamanava”
contributed towards the upliftment of Vokkaligas.
Though the spread of modernity is centuries old, it is still in its infancy and there is still
Though the spread of modernity is centuries old, it is still in its infancy and there is still
I consider myself lucky to have born in this family.
a long way to go. The forces of reaction and tradition will continue to fight by any means
a long way to go. The forces of reaction and tradition will continue to fight by any means
they can to preserve their privileged position. There will be setbacks but as we have
they can to preserve their privileged position. There will be setbacks but as we have
Sri. G. Rame Gowda’s early education was done under the
relates to four movements that have occurred and are continuing to happen. These
seen, fascism, communism even global wars have not stopped the spread of modernity.
seen, fascism, communism even global wars have not stopped the spread of modernity.
guardianship of his maternal uncle, and he studied until has
are the emancipation of slavery, women, ethnic and religious minorities. While it
And no doubt new forces will arise that proclaim that they are the way forward. But
And no doubt new forces will arise that proclaim that they are the way forward. But
to be said that the first has almost been achieved and the second and third have made
modernity will triumph in the end because at its heart it embodies the deep human
modernity will triumph in the end because at its heart it embodies the deep human
great strides globally, the last one has barely begun. But the direction forward is clear.
need to be free and to live a life of dignity and respect. This is what I perceive to be the
need to be free and to live a life of dignity and respect. This is what I perceive to be the
He was passionate about agriculture besides being a well-known
Adopting to modernity is the path to become “Vishwamanava”
broader meaning of the poem by Kuvempu. His writings and his contribution to,‘Universal
broader meaning of the poem by Kuvempu. His writings and his contribution to,‘Universal
Railway contractor before entering politics in his early fifties.
Humanism’ (in his own words, “Vishwamaanavata Vaada”) gives him a unique place in
Humanism’ (in his own words, “Vishwamaanavata Vaada”) gives him a unique place in
Though the spread of modernity is centuries old, it is still in its infancy and there is still
modern Indian Literature.
modern Indian Literature.
a long way to go. The forces of reaction and tradition will continue to fight by any means
they can to preserve their privileged position. There will be setbacks but as we have
In the course of human evolution great men were born during different periods and
Today, I take pride in writing about Sri. G. Rame Gowda born on
Today, I take pride in writing about Sri. G. Rame Gowda born on
seen, fascism, communism even global wars have not stopped the spread of modernity.
made history.
April 10 , 1917 at Doddaballapur Taluk, Bengaluru District, who
April 10 , 1917 at Doddaballapur Taluk, Bengaluru District, who
th th
And no doubt new forces will arise that proclaim that they are the way forward. But
contributed towards the upliftment of Vokkaligas.
contributed towards the upliftment of Vokkaligas.
The Religion of Humanity, the Universal Path should be the view of the future.
modernity will triumph in the end because at its heart it embodies the deep human
need to be free and to live a life of dignity and respect. This is what I perceive to be the
I consider myself lucky to have born in this family.
I consider myself lucky to have born in this family.
The universal path does not give room for communalism but it gives scope for
broader meaning of the poem by Kuvempu. His writings and his contribution to,‘Universal
individual freedom which leads to collective upliftment. With this view, it is possible to
Humanism’ (in his own words, “Vishwamaanavata Vaada”) gives him a unique place in
Sri. G. Rame Gowda’s early education was done under the
Sri. G. Rame Gowda’s early education was done under the
have individuals contribute towards the development of the whole community. until
modern Indian Literature. guardianship of his maternal uncle, and he studied
guardianship of his maternal uncle, and he studied until
Sri.G. Rame Gowda was associated with the following organizations and served
Today, I take pride in writing about Sri. G. Rame Gowda born on
the people of Karnataka. 10 , 1917 at Doddaballapur Taluk, Bengaluru District, who
April was passionate about agriculture besides being a well-known
He was passionate about agriculture besides being a well-known
Railway contractor before entering politics in his early fifties.
contributed towards the upliftment of Vokkaligas.
Railway contractor before entering politics in his early fifties.
1) President, Bangalore District Co-operative Central Bank,Bengaluru from 1958 to
1974. I consider myself lucky to have born in this family.
In the course of human evolution great men were born during different periods and 15
In the course of human evolution great men were born during different periods and
Sri. G. Rame Gowda’s early education was done under the
made history. guardianship of his maternal uncle, and he studied until
made history.
The Religion of Humanity, the Universal Path should be the view of the future.
The Religion of Humanity, the Universal Path should be the view of the future.
He was passionate about agriculture besides being a well-known
The universal path does not give room for communalism but it gives scope for
The universal path does not give room for communalism but it gives scope for
Railway contractor before entering politics in his early fifties.
individual freedom which leads to collective upliftment. With this view, it is possible to
individual freedom which leads to collective upliftment. With this view, it is possible to
have individuals contribute towards the development of the whole community.
have individuals contribute towards the development of the whole community.
Sri.G. Rame Gowda was associated with the following organizations and served
In the course of human evolution great men were born during different periods and
Sri.G. Rame Gowda was associated with the following organizations and served
the people of Karnataka.
made history.
the people of Karnataka.
1) President, Bangalore District Co-operative Central Bank,Bengaluru from 1958
The Religion of Humanity, the Universal Path should be the view of the future. to
1) President, Bangalore District Co-operative Central Bank,Bengaluru from 1958 to
The universal path does not give room for communalism but it gives scope for
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individual freedom which leads to collective upliftment. With this view, it is possible to
have individuals contribute towards the development of the whole community.
Sri.G. Rame Gowda was associated with the following organizations and served
the people of Karnataka.
1) President, Bangalore District Co-operative Central Bank,Bengaluru from 1958 to